Building Engagement During the Pandemic

This post is week 3 of 8 in the #8WeeksofSummer Blog Challenge for educators. " We all needed to do different things to survive all the constantly changing demands of education." I really connected with this statement on Hot Lunch Tray this week. I think for all of us, we had to figure out how to keep our head above water and even thrive in the new normal we found ourselves in during the pandemic. My learners this year became my focus. Engagement was key. I knew my students and my staff needed a totally different approach to ensure they were successful and supported this school year. I had to think outside of the box (in this case the physical space of my library) to develop clear actionable goals for myself about how I could build engagement in my school community. Engaging Students During the Pandemic As a librarian, I had to figure out what my role looked like in a 100% virtual world. It was a whole new experience trying to eng...