
Showing posts from October, 2021

Power PD Issue # 3 Productivity

  This issue of Power PD includes some creative ways to increase productivity, build your PLN and jazz up your slides presentations.   You can check out the slidedeck with all the links here. Productivity:   I think each of us is thinking about how we can be more productive and eliminate unnecessary stress in our lives.  I had a chance to listen to the Truth for Teachers Podcast recently as they discussed 5 ways to improve productivity.  I highly recommend you tune in to the episode to hear the host really delve into each of the 5 tips.  I thought I'd take a few minutes here to reflect on how I plan to use those tips in my life: 1. E liminating unintentional breaks and making intentional breaks. For me this is a big one, sometimes I find myself jumping around from task to task and I have found that a daily to do list keeps me grounded.  Since the pandemic I started using an iPad and the GoodNotes app to organize my thinking and planning.  One...

Making Professional Learning Stick

  Throughout my time as an educator there have been training sessions that really stuck with me and those that were quickly forgotten.  As I begin rolling out Tech Tuesday sessions with teachers this school year, I took some time to reflect on what makes an interesting, memorable and impactful training session for me.  These are some of the questions I consider in how I provide training for teachers: 1.  What does this look like in the classroom? 2.  How can I apply what I've learned? 3.  How does this solve a problem or make my life easier? 4.  Is the information easy to follow and come back to? Making Thinking Visible- What does it look like in the classroom? In my recent training session with my teachers, we revisited their Gripe Jam which I spoke more about in this blog post .  They delved into brainstorming areas they are struggling with in their classroom.  It could be organization, lesson planning, lesson implementation, engagement, ut...